Saturday 29 September 2007

Bringing back the funny

As reading through Making Money* has proven to me, footnotes=funny,** and I haven't really been that funny lately,*** nor have I been using enough footnotes. I mean, look at this post, I don't have any footnotes at all yet.**** (Admittedly this is still the first paragraph, but I put one in the title before******). I've also not made much note of wicker coffins.*******
*Terry Pratchett's latest, but certainly not greatest, discworld novel.
**Unless they're references to academic journals. In which case footnotes=confusion. Which can be kind of funny.
***The complete lack of content indicates a certain lack of hilarious content, does it not?
****This was actually true in the first draft.*****
*****Well, partly true, there was a footnote right there saying: "well, apart from this one". But who needs metahumour when you have silliness?
******It was kinda funny, but not great. No need to look it up if you missed it.
*******Which are kinda the point of this place, but if you don't know why I won't explain.********
********Until the next paragraph, which will have it's own set of footnotes,********** because the number of asterisks is getting absurd.
*********A practise I used to use all the time, but which does cause formatting problems on certain programs.

Wicker coffins are of course a very important thing, hence the very existence of Project Woven Death. One wicker coffin in particular* concerns us here: The Wicker Coffin Til Lindemann Will** Make For Vixen.**** As such, I try and keep an eye on Rammstein's wellbeing, but being utterly lacking in contacts I know very little. And the place I signed up to for info on Rammstein are plugging other german rock-metal bands.***** So I reckon the better approach is to keep up on craziness and music in general until I do learn more about the guys.

*A currently non-existant one, but don't let that bother you.
**Absolute certainty void in the case of the death or permanent physical impairment of Til Lindemann within the next 18 months.***
***Which given his line of work, isn't entirely implausible.
****All the words are capitalised because it's a proper name, of course. It may be shortened to The Wicker Coffin or TWCTLWMFV if you want, but try pronouncing the latter at your peril.
*****Krieger and Emigrate.******
******If any of you know these bands, or where they're touring, let me know. If not, I'll investigate. Clearly, they're more related to Rammstein than I am.

This post (c) Kingreaper: Will he get 'round to bringing back the funny? Will japanese people shoot milk out of their noses?

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