Friday, 23 November 2007

Forget Steampunk, how about WINDPUNK!

This post (c) Kingreaper: Getting more and more outdatedly futuristic

An awful lot of companies need to check this out.

A week of hyperness

I've been having quite a random week, and I thought that you at Project Woven Death might find the randomness interesting.

I mean, the whole thing with getting turned away from a gay bar (well, possibly a Dike Bar, which is reasonable I suppose) was pretty low-level.

Ending up in a random house at the end of that night, also quite normal.

The true randomness started with deciding to spend a day in a pub. Without having to leave the pub from midday to midnight I saw Juggling (surpassing even this) a bunch of different friends who happened through. And managed to write a significant amount of story, that, when typed up, I will show you where to read.

The next day, I spent a day in various pubs, and picked up a free pair of sunglasses, more awesome than these

This post (c) Kingreaper: You know, I didn't think I'd blog like this. Much.

Sunday, 18 November 2007

Steampunk vs. Steam-age

A steampunk laptop.

A steam-age laptop

If steampunk had been the steam-age, wouldn't life be so much cooler?